By now I'm sure you're aware my publisher, Ellora's Cave (or EC as it was rebranded) is closing. So Painted Passion will remain available for sale until the end of the year. At that time, I will republish it as an indie author. I'm happy to have my rights back as well as rights to unpublished work.
So what have I learned by working with a publisher? It is always beneficial to have someone versed in contracts to review yours before signing. Also, weigh the ultimate advantages and disadvantages of going it alone versus having a publisher. Obviously, there is more freedom in being an indie author and frankly, you can't put a price on being given carte blanche for your own creativity.
On the other hand, there is something to be said for an established network on which to have your work promoted. But the best barometer is to do your research and talk with authors who are already published at the publishing house. Certainly, not every author will be a satisfied one but again, forewarned is forearmed. Then, there are wonderful sites such as Absolute Write or Writers Beware.
Since I was an indie author before signing with Ellora's Cave, I feel like I'm coming home again. That being said, there is quite a lot of work on my plate to accomplish...time to roll up my sleeves and hop to it.