Saturday, December 20, 2014

Cake or Frosting?

In PAINTED PASSION, a couple of scenes are set in the heroine's kitchen.  Trella, the heroine, is a good cook. She's no Julia, Martha or Sunny, but she can hold her own. As can Carlos, the hero.

Not to toot my own horn, but I've been told I'm a good cook (translation:  no one has ever become sick from my culinary skills).  I also enjoy baking. My sister, on the other hand, is not so much a cook as she is a baker. You want desserts?  She's your girl.

I can't tell you how many times she threw a fit because I ate her icing or frosting before she used it.  LOL. I figured if she left it around (translation:  sitting in a covered bowl on the counter), it was okay to eat it.

I recall one particular opportunity to indulge when big Sis baked a German Chocolate Cake (Yum!).  To find the recipe, she used, click HERE.
To keep me from touching the frosting, she placed it in the freezer until she was ready to use it. See, she thought the idea of eating chilled butter, sugar, pecans and coconuts would deter me.

It did.

For about a minute.  Okay, thirty seconds.

Alright! It was actually more like ten seconds.  Yep, that was the time it took for me to knock the angel off one shoulder and listen to the devil riding my other one (I don't know about you, but my devil has a sweet tooth).

I had the best intention to eat ONE spoonful. Seriously. But once the tasty concoction hit my tongue, I damn near forgot my name. I ate that frosting like it was still warm.  Scratch that.  I ate that frosting like it was actually covering a cake.  LOL!

Was I punished for this tiny error in judgement?

I think so (translation:  Pretty sure there was disciplining involved, but the taste of the frosting lasted longer than the punishment so I don't really remember).

Writing this has made me hungry. I think I'll go bake a cake....or just settle for making frosting.

Are you a frosting fanatic (like me) or are you a cake connoisseur?

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