Friday, December 26, 2014

Painted Passion Excerpt

Here's another excerpt from Painted Passion:

Groaning, Carlos tossed under the sheet, unable to relax enough to sleep. He’d tried counting sheep, but they morphed into tantalizing images of Trella in white jeans. Despite how badly he wanted her in his arms, yielding to temptation included a one-way ticket to hell.

Thrusting the cover off, he climbed from bed and strode to the window. He stood there, watching the lights of the Valley in the distance. Sleep in the same house as Trella? Impossible.

Carlos left the room, wandering down the darkened hallway toward the kitchen. Spending the night equaled utter stupidity. One whiff of the woman and his common sense evaporated like steam. He needed something to occupy his mind, such as figuring out why Louis worried about her safety.

He entered the kitchen as a beam of headlights cut across the wall. He stooped, senses keen and ready. Crouched low, he eased his way to the window. Avoiding the swath of light, he straightened until he saw the dark outline of a vehicle revealed by landscape lighting. After a moment, the car continued around the circular drive and back onto the street. He made a mental note to have cameras installed. The house needed an extra layer of security beyond a standard house alarm system. Concern drove him to check every door and window downstairs. 

Carlos paused in the doorway of the laundry room. Trella’s orange tank lay atop the washing machine. He stared at the fabric, remembering how her nipples had strained against it. He didn’t recall walking farther into the room, but seconds later, he stood in front of the machine. He picked up the cotton, soft to the touch. He raised it to his nose, engraving the soft light floral scent into his brain. 

Before the idea of taking it overwhelmed him, he replaced it then retraced his steps to the bedroom. He climbed under the sheet and lay on his back, praying for sleep. Thirty minutes later, he remained wide awake.

Carlos stalked from the bed, returned to the laundry room and snatched up the tank top.

Yes, Sister Mary Frances, I’m in hell.

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